Thursday, February 27, 2014

Do Men Have Abortion Rights?

I am avidly pro-life, and vehemently opposed to abortion as I feel nothing warrants the taking of an innocent baby's life.  Killing a baby through abortion is the most selfish act a person can do.  The arguments framed defending the woman's right to kill a baby are so egregious that, typical of all philosophies that are an affront to morality, the terminology has been changed  drastically so the true intent is hidden by using the wrong words.  Those in defiance of God are skilled in this.

But, in playing devil's advocate here, and assuming there are "rights" to killing your baby and aborting your parenthood, I have a few questions regarding the rights of the daddy.

A woman has a "right" to NOT become a mother, but a man has NO RIGHT to NOT become a father and will be compelled to pay for years. Only women have the right to kill?

If a woman has a “right” to terminate a pregnancy by paying money to an abortion clinic, then why doesn’t the “father” have the right to terminate his paternity by paying a sum to an agency? Why are only women given the right to end their parenthood?

Can a father end his paternity through a "paternal abortion agency" if a mother can end her maternity with physically aborting her baby?

How does a pro-abortion person frame an argument when a mother wants to keep the baby and the father doesn't?

Do men have abortion rights?

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