along with something to house our fridge. Up until
now, it still looked like we pushed it to the
other side of the kitchen and forgot it there. At least
it now looks like we intend to keep it there. Our genius
carpenter, Rich Vogt, fashioned a new cabinet housing
for the old front which is insanely HUGE and will be a
wonderful place to hold my rarely-used holiday ware and
tablecloths. Shoot, the boys could practically hide in there during
one of their epic hide-and-seek games with their friends
and maybe give my laundry chute a break.
We chose to go with laminate over the trendy granite. Besides being thousands less, we have a
surface that I won't have to stress over. Wipe and go...that's my motto. Or forget to wipe and worries.
We chose one in the Radiant line which was a little pricier but oh-so-pretty. It was still less than a solid surface counter and more impervious to stains.
Obviously we are still FAR from done. The cabinet doors are awaiting paint in the garage and the island and cabinets need their molding and finishing touches, but here's where we are.
Dare I mention why we don't have our sink/counter yet? A mistake in measuring cost us another week before it comes in so we have been operating without a kitchen sink for 4 months. I'm thankful to my mother who taught me to "make do" and deal with adversity when it comes to these sort of inconveniences. We have risen to the challenge before and another couple of weeks won't kill us.
Final post should be "before and after" shots.
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