Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Public High School?

"The students would burn out if forced to spend their entire day amidst the social intensity of the cafeteria and the hallway. Fortunately, the school authorities also schedule dormant periods, called classes, during which students can rest the their minds and take a break from the pressures of social categorization. Students correctly understand, though adults appear not to, that socialization is the most intellectually demanding and morally important thing they will do in high school."

~From David Brooks, The Social Animal


  1. Wow! That's looking at it from a totally different perspective. This is definitely not the "Social Animal" textbook I had for my college sociology class!

  2. You know, having been publicly schooled and socialized myself, Brooks called it like it is. I love it when someone puts into words what everyone has lived and observed. This is the beauty of someone who sees and thinks....
